Freelance & Contract User Experience & Design.
Thinking & Doing.

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Hi, I’m Craig. I’m a Product Designer and a UX guy. My thing is problem solving.

I have over 20 years experience working in a range of creative, technical, digital design and UX roles, mostly in advertising agencies. I’ve been responsible for the creation, development and delivery of digital campaigns and solutions for a wide range of clients; big-name consumer brands, boutique brands, corporates and government agencies alike.

My experience includes but is not limited to: product design, including responsive websites and mobile apps, comms across social media and email campaigns, games and interactive experiences, digital and real-world – story-telling across multiple platforms and devices.

Mostly I like identifying the problems which are causing the client or user pain and then crafting elegant, pared-back solutions, which are nice to look at and easy to use.

It beats working for a living, and I’ve done that too.

The skills that pay the bills.

Good design solves problems. Best way to do that? First, identify the correct problem...

...then devise a plan to rectify it, propose a solution and implement it. Review whether it meets its users’ needs, simply and elegantly. This covers exactly what I do, in a nutshell, but every situation and solution requires a different toolset, so flexibility is the key.

Some projects require a data-driven approach, some are led by blue-sky design-thinking, some little issues can be sorted with a paper prototype and a group session, some must be extensively mapped as part of a much larger process.

Time and budget have a measurable impact, so some solutions must be swift, with short iterative cycles, and others (with the luxury of both) begin with deep research; then a prototype, plan, build, measure & learn flow can be utilised.

The best solutions start on paper.

Once it works, make it look nice. The love is in the details.

There are so many variables presented to the designer, from media channel, parent branding and campaign style, to fashion, colour choices and type styles - the list is endless. Making the product look lovely is extremely important but...

...the secret is in marrying usability with delight. User-love is earned by thoughtful use of pleasing micro-interactions married to an easy flow; fun and charming wherever possible, with gravitas when trust is important, but always satisfying and beautiful. Tone is everything.

Design fails when it becomes wooden and stiff. We have to design for users, humans who are warm and squidgy. Cold programmatic frameworks and robotic copy don’t give users the feel-good fuzzies. Navigating the way between client and user needs, or creative desire and commercial reality is a tricky path to tread. And I LOVE IT.

I want to touch it.

Here’s some work I enjoyed doing.

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Customer experience touchpoints are many and diverse. I make them sing...

...from the same songsheet. The omni-channel customer experience may start with a TV ad or an instore poster, or a data-driven CRM drive, but however it’s presented, it has to be seamless, logical and persuasive.

My experience spans all media channels, print, e-comms, including web and app notifications and feedback, campaign tie-ins with TV and web video, social and experiential. A deep understanding of the customer journey is at the heart of successful CX, whatever the channel or technology.

I like to sit with creatives, planners and CX genuises and listen to their wisdom, then add my knowledge to make their ideas reality. I also work alongside some amazing devs & creative techs* who can bring campaign ideas off the page or the screen, and put them into users’ hands.

(*Clever clogs @ Syndicate Digital)

Smart watch chat-bots are rad, or will be...

I understand the importance of medium and context.

Your users do too. What’s worse than marketing or service comms being delivered at the wrong time, or in the wrong place? We’ve all experienced this, right?

Noisy middle-of-the-night alerts and emails, well-after-the-fact lame notifications, services which demand WiFi when all you’ve got is patchy cell-coverage, your networked baby-monitor jumping all over your roaming data to tell you it requires a firmware update, when you’re abroad on holiday. If content is king, context is emperor of the universe.

We want our stuff to ‘just work’. Knowing where your users are and how your service can help them right at that moment, when they need it, is half that battle won. Being invisibly amazing is the other.

( h/t @ TMA for the pitch work collabs )

Pitch work for branded omni-channel ecosystem: comms, apps & wearables.

So we’re about to migrate away from the screen. What’s next?

Hearables, wearables, AR, AI user-agents, personalised chat bots, VR avatars, nano-computing, distributed micro-networks, robotics, implants, cybernetics? Probably all of it! The interesting thing is that none of these emergent technologies will require the user to be staring at a little screen to interface with them.

Computing will become invisible, as technologies become convergent. The Internet of Things will become the Internet of Everything, from your location sensitive ear-bud, to your always-on smart home, through to your context-aware car. Your experiences of and interactions with brands, their products and services – will change too.

The future of experience is here and now. Your clients need to be wherever it’s headed next. It sounds like science fiction, but it’s already happening.

Give me a shout.

Augmented Reality prototype ( Courtesy of Leonard Low. Copyright: CC-Att-SA-2 via )


Research & Planning
User Journeys & Storyboarding
IA & Wireframing
User Testing


Logos & Branding
Web & App UI
Product Design
Bespoke Illustration *


Digital Strategy
Online Advertising
Social Marketing
Viral Marketing


Experience Assessment
CX Strategy
Journey Mapping
Experience Design
Success Measurement


Creative Copywriting
Email Design
Advertising Material
Tech Documentation
User Guides

Tech & Dev *

Creative Technology
Internet of Things
iOS & Android Dev
Database Design
Dev Project Management

( *I can get it done with confidence @ Syndicate Digital )

What can I do for you?

You can email me here
I’m also on the LinkedIn thing
I work remotely in the Taupo region.

Have a good day!
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Spark Gen 2 App